“Drinking is a great human tradition.” This is one of my favorite quotes from the 2002 Interstate 60 movie . Okay, but what’s the use of a drink post at the casino? Well, here are three hypothetical scenarios. You are at a casino in the country for the first time and you are not sure what to order. Visit a new place, not the usual one. You are simply curious about what others order while playing gambling. Regardless of the situation that best suits you, this post will be an interesting read.
Can’t imagine sitting at a slot or a gaming table for hours without a drink in hand? Don’t you think that coffee is suitable for your glamorous outfit or for that particular hour? Well, you can have the cake and eat it. I mean, you can drink and not get drunk. A good way to reach the fun level without getting on board is to order a cocktail. Cocktails have all the brilliance of a casino environment and spices in alcohol, however they are not so heavily loaded as to have a negative effect. If you don’t mind the extra calories, you’ll have a great time with mixed drinks.
Starting with simple two-ingredient drinks like rum & coke, gin & tonic and vodka & Red Bull and moving on to more complicated recipes that not every casino will be able to host, such as Sex on the Beach, Blue Lagoon or White Russian . Of course, some cocktails are more likely to be served anywhere than others, but there is a way to make even a cocktail that was not available before the magic appeared, about which we will tell you all about our paragraph with special tips.
It is illegal to drink and drive, but drinking and gambling are perfectly acceptable . And to improve this experience, we have compiled a list of the best tips. Here are some general tips and useful information on how and what to order at brick and mortar casinos and how to have a better chance of getting what you like and more.
- You may want a simple drink, not a mixed one, so stay on the safe side and order a simple two-part drink , such as whiskey and coke or gin & tonic.
If you like simple things and prefer not to get into elaborate discussions, order beer .- You may be a vodka lover, but it is wise to limit your favorite liqueur while trying to make the best decision at a blackjack table! Why not stick to drinks it’s easier ?
- If you usually order a glass of wine, but now you are tempted to frame and order a colorful alcoholic drink, decorated with umbrellas, just like the people at your table, it is probably not a good idea . Would you try something new that you have no idea what effect it will have on you when you try to deal with the bankroll?
- If you have decided to order a cocktail, why not try the house specialty ? If they put their name on it, there is a good chance it will be good, possibly the best cocktail available in that place.
- If you’re not a big drinker, but don’t want to miss this fun part of the casino, go for something easier , like a Chocolate Martini or a Piña Colada. These will give you a fresh and uplifting feeling while not making the camera spin.
- Aim for the stars. If you ask for vodka and cranberry juice, you will probably get their cheapest alcohol. But if you ask for Greygoos and cranberry juice, you might surprise your cocktail waitress and she’ll bring you exactly what you ordered .
- Don’t expect your cocktail to be as elaborate as the cocktail bar. There is a reason why they would charge a considerable amount of money for the latter. So stay safe and stay with 2-ingredient cocktails or visit the bar.
- Be prepared with the second choice if the server cannot accommodate the first.
- If you want something strong, but it’s early in the morning, try an Irish coffee . It might be what you need.